In Praise of Shame
One is not supposed to talk these days about shame, unless it’s to say that we shouldn’t allow such “negativity” into our lives. The important thing is that we feel good about ourselves. This, we’re told, is the sum and substance of good mental health. Feelings of shame, like everything else that diminishes our self-esteem, must be banished from our psychological experience. This is the world’s wisdom…and its folly (cf. 1 Cor. 1:20). In Praise of Shame The truth is, shame is good . It’s a sign of a functioning conscience. When we do something sinful, our conscience accuses us. We feel guilty and ashamed—both necessary preconditions of repentance. It’s possible, however, to develop a hard and unresponsive heart. Paul describes those “whose consciences are seared” (1 Tim. 4:2). Jeremiah found fault with Israel for this very thing. Were they ashamed when they committed abomination? ...